
Accommodations for international students are diverse. There are accommodations operated by JASSO, private housing (assigned housing) operated by JASSO and student housing operated by local governments and universities. About 76.8% of international students are staying in private housing. When looking for private housing, you can inquire from your school’s international student office or you may get a real estate agent to look for a place in the area you plan to stay in.

Japanese lifestyle and housing has become more westernized throughout the years. Enduring these changes, Japanese still remove their shoes at the main entrance and many houses still maintain the multi-purpose room called the Washitsu (Japanese room).
Though most rooms are not furnished, those facing south or with windows on the east side fetches higher rent because it is warmer and brighter. Other determining factors are its distance from the train station and age of the building. The "shiki-kin (returnable deposit) and "rei-kin" (non-returnable fee) system differ by area. When the rental contract is signed, the rent, "shiki-kin" and "rei-kin" equivalent to a few months of rent must be paid.

Related Information

1. Accommodation Guide(JASSO) » In Japanese
2. Finding Accommodations in Japan(Study in Japan Comprehensive Guide/MOFA)
3. Guide for International Students(Japan Study Support/ABK)
4. General Housing Compensation System(JEES) » In Japanese