
You need a guarantor or a contact person for these! Check early!

  1. When applying for enrollment into Japanese language institutions, and higher educational institutions
  2. When renting an apartment
  3. When working part-time

The reasons why guarantors are required are in the case mentioned in No. 1 above are various, which include "financial assurance for the payment of academic fees" or "to avoid problems when applying for status of residence upon admission".

Documents for submission

•Letter of guarantee  • Letter of pledge  • Resident card of guarantor  • Letter of employment and others

* Lately, there are cases where only a contact person is needed.
* As is the case for Japanese students, instances where international students are required to provide a guarantor only for the school's enrollment is on the increase. Contact your school in advance as this requirement varies with each school.

A guarantor is a person who agrees to assume financial and moral responsibilities of their guarantee should the guarantee fail to pay his/her academic fee or create any problems. As such, it is only proper that you take the extra mile to build a trustful relationship with your guarantor and to exercise care so as not to cause him/her any inconvenience.
In No. 2 above, a guarantor is required when renting an apartment. This is applicable to both foreigners and Japanese. Systems that accept joint guarantors such as school-related persons (office or teaching staffs of the institute) are available for international students with limited Japanese connections.

• Comprehensive Renters' Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan

This insurance is managed by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) to cater for emergencies such as fires and to avoid hassles to the guarantor when renting an apartment. Two types of plans based on the compensation period are offered, which are the 1-year plan (JPY 4,000 premium) and the 2-year plan (JPY 8,000 premium).
This system is available for students (having the "College Student" status of residence) who have been admitted and confirmed admission into Japanese universities, junior colleges, colleges of technology, professional training colleges or Japanese language institutions designated through notification by the Minister of Justice. Application should be made at the office of the current school. For more information, please contact your current school, the school you plan to enter or the following department. The member's list of this system can be viewed at the following website.

Mutual Aid Division, JEES Program Department
TEL : +81-3-5454-5275  FAX: +81-3-5454-5232   URL:

Related Information

1. General Housing Compensation System(JEES) » In Japanese