Part-time work

About 76% of international students having the "College Students" status of residence are working part-time, a large portion works in the food service industry, followed by sales and marketing, language teacher, clerical work, and others. The hourly wage varies according to locations but those working in food services are getting about ¥800 to ¥1200 an hour. Assuming that the maximum of 28 hours a week is fully used up to work; their earning will be around ¥22,400 to ¥33,600.
To work part-time, you must first obtain your school's consent and receive the approval to engage in activities outside the scope of your status of residence from the nearest Regional Immigration Bureau. Upon obtaining these approval you may work part-time under the conditions that.
Working part-time without having necessary approvals, exceeding the permitted number of hours or working outside of the permissible scope will get you penalized and/or deported.

  1. The part-time work does not affect your studies
  2. The earned income is meant to supplement your academic cost and necessary expenses and not for saving or for remittance overseas
  3. The part-time work engaged in is not in adult entertainment businesses
  4. The part-time work is within the permitted number of hours as tabulated below
Schools Status Status of residence Number of hours
Universities / Graduate schools
Junior colleges
Preparatory Japanese language courses
Regular students College student Within 28 hours a week (up to 8 hours a day during long school holidays)
Research students / audit students
Professional training colleges
Colleges of technology
 Japanese language institutions(University preparatory courses)
Japanese language institutions

Related Information

1. HelloWork (Japanese)
2. Guide for International Students(Japan Study Support/ABK)
3. Finding Part-time Work(Study in Japan Comprehensive Guide/MOFA)