Medical Insurance / Accident and Property Insurance

  1. Medical Insurance
  2. Foreigners who will be staying in Japan for a period of more than 1 year have to subscribe to the "National Health Insurance". Please register for the National Health Insurance at your nearest local city/ward office and pay the insurance premium.
    The insurance premium has to be paid monthly once registration is completed. The premium varies according to local councils and one's income. However, most of the time, the premium is about JPY20,000 per year.
    Once registered with the National Health Insurance, you will only need to pay 30% of the total medical bill. When receiving treatment for injuries or illnesses, you have to present your insurance card to be eligible for the discounted payment.
    Take note that the medical cost for treatments not covered by the insurance scheme has to be paid in full at your own expense.

  3. Accident and property Insurance
  4. Benefits covering medical treatment for injuries incurred from accidents that are not covered by health insurance, medical treatment for injuries to other people and compensation for property damage are provided by Accident Insurance and Individual Compensation Insurance.
    Accident Insurance covers injuries incurred in daily living, traffic accidents and during travel. Individual Compensation Insurance covers property damage or injuries to other people due to your own negligence. For more information concerning enrollment in these types of insurance plans, direct your inquiries to your university, etc.

Related Information

1. Personal Accident Insurance for Students pursuing Education and Research(JEES) » In Japanese